Regular Events

Freshford Village Memorial Hall currently accommodates the following regular groups or classes. Please contact the organisers directly if you would like to attend one of these groups:

Freshford Pre-school - Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays: 9am to 3pm, Thursdays: 9am to 1pm

Freshford and District Horticultural Society - Wednesday evenings, once a month

Freshford and District Local History Society - Wednesday evenings, once a month

Warrior Academy - Martial arts for children - Tuesday evenings, 5-8pm

Yoga - with Annie - Monday evenings 5.30-6.30

Freshford Cubs and Beavers - Thursday evenings, 5.45-8pm. Contact Sam Lascelles on

Table tennis - Thursday evenings, 8-9pm

Ladies Badminton groups - Mondays 7.30-8.30pm